last night i started watching The Kennedys miniseries that began last week. forever fascinated by their family since i first watched JFK in middle-school, my intrigue has peaked again. obviously this current biopic series has taken some historical liberties (otherwise why the snub by the history channel?), but i am still fascinated. especially in the wake of yesterday's budget-crisis catastrophe (disappointment). and especially given my own foray into the political world during college and after (i favor poetics over politics. all the slyvia plath in the world couldn't make me as disheartened as politics can). so what pleasant surprise did i stumble upon last night in the wee hours? this: caroline kennedy a poet? just released, her collection She Walks in Beauty: A Woman's Journey Through Poems. now i have no idea what her poetic eye is like, or even if she wrote any of the text in this anthology, but how could i not order it? so i did. and i am excited. kennedy verse? could be amazing. interested? check out this story on abc news: 'She Walks in Beauty' Poems Selected by Caroline Kennedy
loved that she said this (which i read on galleycat):
“One of the reasons why I worked on this book is because so many people think of poetry as a solitary art form; one poet writing alone and the reader far away. But, I think what we all see here today is that poetry can really be of value for a community … And since poems are meant to be heard, reading a poem really starts a conversation.”
How interesting! I had no idea she wrote poetry; I'll have to check it out. My interest in the Kennedys really started when I began dating Matt & would go out to his parents' house in Hyannis and he'd take me to see the Kennedy compound and other famous Kenned spots. My mother in law actually works at the church the Kennedy's built, so we go to mass there when we're in town... it's gorgeous. But anyway! They're a fascinating family with such an interesting and tragic history that it's hard to not be curious! And I really like what Caroline said about poetry. Totally, totally true.